TASCOE is led by an Executive Board consisting of President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer. The association is governed by the Board of Directors, which consists of an elected representative from each district in the state. TASCOE also has several standing committees chaired by members from across the state. Our association is the state affiliate of the National Association of FSA County Office Employees (NASCOE) and works closely with NAFEC and RASCOE to protect the interests of our members.


National Association of FSA County Office Employees

  • NASCOE is the only association recognized by management to formally negotiate on your behalf. For example, recent negotiation items included increasing pay grades for employees and making sure the performance rating process is uniformly applied to all. The process to submit issues for consideration in the negotiation process is very simple and is a great conduit for improving the workplace.

  • A robust legislative program that employs one of the top consultants in Washington, DC to make sure FSA is recognized as the “can do” agency when it is time to administer farm programs, thus insuring a high level of accuracy at an economical cost to taxpayers. More programs ensure a long career as you embark on your FSA journey. The goal is also to make sure FSA has enough funding to employ needed employees like yourself so we consider your hire a NASCOE legislative victory! NASCOE’s legislative agenda includes making sure that FSA employee benefits are maintained and improved so we are always vigilant in watching benefits legislation.

  • NASCOE offers other benefits ranging from retirement planning/products to scholarships for children of our members. Also in the rare instance when an employee faces an adverse action by the agency (and I do mean rare but it is nice to know) NASCOE also provides one free hour with the NASCOE attorney to assist you in making the best decisions in those circumstances.

  • NASCOE offers the assurance that your fellow employees are all working together to protect your career and benefits. There are plenty of leadership opportunities in NASCOE if you want to be involved at a higher level. Just like the insurance options you choose, a few dollars per pay period in NASCOE dues is cheap insurance to make sure your fellow employees speak with one voice on the major issues affecting your career. Membership in your state association automatically grants membership in the national association. A booklet entitled “A Special Invitation to You” is included that tells what NASCOE has done for us. Some things include health insurance, life insurance and retirement benefits. Please take a few minutes to look over the booklet and you will see many of the great things that come from NASCOE. We have a great association and a great group of employees.